What the Mouse that Sat on My Shoulder Taught Me
Everything happens for a reason. Whether you like it or not. You’ve got two choices: get the lesson the first time or endure the “punches” till you do. Uh-huh, it’s that fucking…
Read MoreLying flat, still as a church mouse, I feel the first rays of the day cast a glow across my bed. Uneasiness washes through my mind paralyzing me from wanting to move…
Read MoreWhen’s the last time you orgasmed? I know right out of the gate; wham bam thank you man. I guess if you’re bristling then you really need to continue reading; please, trust me…
Read MoreIt might be time to ditch those rose coloured glasses. Ever been told by a well-meaning friend or co-worker to think positive when you’re in the middle of a crisis? If you’re…
Read MoreWarmth flushed my face as the sun beat down from a blue sky teeming with clouds. First signs of spring flowers were popping their heads up from beneath the dirty crust of…
Read MoreHow do you deal with fear when it comes knocking? Are you able to tell the difference between the FEAR that serves you and the FEAR that harms you? Luckily we’re born…
Read MoreWhat difference can a photo make? You tell me. February 2015 December 2012 Photos are windows to our soul. That’s why it can be such a powerful experience seeing yourself through a…
Read MoreSexy, Glamourous, Vivacious, Beauty These fabulous words can be compared to four-letter words in many women’s minds. What would the results be if you took a poll of the women in your…
Read MoreDid you choose a free compliment? Can you honestly accept the compliments as they’re written or do you feel the need to instantly create excuses as to why you don’t look ravishing…
Read MoreWhat’s the one thing can you do: That will elevate your mood? Add an extra pep in your step? Make you feel invincible? Open your heart in unimaginable ways? Relax you faster and…
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