Countdown to 2014 Journal Prompt #2 – Clearing the Clutter

Everything I needed for 4 months of this year was in the back of my Mini Cooper. Just me, a GPS and a map, camping gear, clothes for hiking and for conferences. Food and water. All of the essentials, right there. In what most probably consider a fairly small car.

I swear, a Mini Cooper is like a Tardis – it is indeed bigger on the inside.

Granted, I was happy when I visited friends and had a larger bed, a shower, washing machine and an oven. But most of the time everything I needed was in that Mini.

Imagine the shock of coming home to a lot of STUFF. It was overwhelming. Why do I have so many clothes? What are all these papers here? Magazines? Just … ugh. It hangs on me, weighing me down. I’ve been home for 6 weeks now, and I’m still dealing with the crushing sense of clutter, things that I never noticed when I left. Whenever I have spare time, I find myself getting rid of more things. The local Goodwill has been the recipient of at least 8 bags of things that I don’t need so far, and more is on its way. Whatever I can’t donate, I recycle.

Everything is weighed against one very simple measure: If I was going on the road again tomorrow, would I make room for this in the back of the Mini Cooper?

For this second prompt, think about the clutter that is in your life. What is weighing you down? Is it physical clutter, or emotional clutter? Has work taken over your life? Is your closet stuffed to the point of overflowing? Do you need to hold on, or is it time to let some things go? What old things can you clear from your life to make space for new things in the new year? What is your measuring stick for what should stay or what should go? What mantra can you use to think about as you decide what to keep in your life?

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Christine Tremoulet

Online Social Marketing Strategist at Christine Tremoulet
Christine Tremoulet is an author, a social marketing strategist, and a speaker. She uses her 15 years of blogging experience (she actually named WordPress!) to help others with Blogging Brilliantly so they can use their blog and social media to share their story with the world and build their own successful business. She is the original Avenger of Sexiness. She truly believes that You Are Enough. She lives in Houston, Texas with her husband & her college-age son, when not out on an adventure. (You can follow those at Have Gear, Will Travel.) Mini Cooper is her spirit animal.

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