Pop Rocks in Champagne: My Favourite Things

Today’s edition of the Favourite Things series is coming to you:

a) Way late in the day

b) From Las Vegas.

I’m sure you can figure out how the two are related.

Christine and I are in Vegas at WPPI, the photography industry’s annual chance to get together and learn, mingle, and party like we’re rockstars for a week. This trip is one I look forward to for months beforehand. I love the glitz and glamour and not being able to walk ten feet down the conference centre hallway without running into someone you know or want to know. I love being tired with aching feet and still wanting to go dancing at 1 am. It’s completely nothing like reality and that has some perks of its own.

Last night, at the annual Team-X Soiree, I was introduced to today’s favourite thing, by the amazing Rachel Abelson.



Pomegranate juice and champagne in a glass rimmed with Pop Rocks. 

Mind. Blown.

There’s something really fun (and yummy) about marrying adult sophistication with childhood novelty. The whole drink is an experience – one that makes you make a slightly funny face and then go searching for the bags of Pop Rocks to get more. We ran out of pomegranate juice and but even just in champagne, the Pop Rocks added a little more whimsy to a pretty traditional, sophisticated drink.

Try it! Then tell me what you think!

Stephanie Ostermann

I’m the sort of girl who you meet for coffee and end up pouring your entire heart out to. The friend you come to when you need someone to call it straight. No bullshit. No extras. Just truth.

I’m a communicator. That’s a PC way of saying I like to talk, but I also spend a lot of my time listening, and over the years, I’ve developed a sense for subtext – how one or two words can change your entire message, what people are really trying to say and how to weave the varied layers of your story into one cohesive brand message that your clients fall in love with.

When I'm not acting as editor in chief for Vivid & Brave, you can find me geeking out over words here.

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