My Top 3 Tips for Creating a Playful Business

Creating a Playful Business on Vivid & Brave -
You didn’t dive into the land of entrepreneurship because you’re a boring stick in the mud. You came into this world because you have an amazing idea and the passion to match. Only… nowadays, things are feeling more “businessy” than usual. You’re lost in the world of spreadsheets, business plans, and sales funnels. I was stuck too, and still love my spreadsheets! But at one point, I realized something. I wanted to have a business that was playful and profitable. A business that allowed to get creative, have fun, and still pay the bills. I’ve done that, and I want to show you how to as well. Without further rambling on my part, here’s how you can create a playful business.

1. Discover Your Passion

How are you going to have fun if you aren’t doing what you love? Figuring out what you’re passionate about is crucial to creating a successful business. Trust me, no matter how weird your passion is, you can create a business from it.

A good way to do this is to take one of your core skills (copywriting, web design, coaching) and use a talent or passion of yours (singing, piano, reading) to create a playful business. Do you love playing the guitar and are a kick-butt graphic designer? Make your specialty designing CD covers for indie rock bands. Interested in animals but copywrite to pay the bills? Advertise that you write copy for animal rescue organizations. Even if your proposed niche sounds a little wacky and out there, chances are that you’re exactly who somebody is looking for.

ACTION STEP: Get out a piece of paper. In one column, write Skills. In the other, write Passions. Fill it out and see what amazing combinations you create!

2. Create a Vibrant Brand

Let me ask you something – what brands do you remember? The ones who use corporate grey and boring stock photos, or the ones that are a little wacky and out there, who use bright colors and vibrant storytelling to get their messages across?


Using branding to get your message across is one of the most important things you can do for your business. Vibrant and professional brands are the ones that become successful. Yes, having fun branding is important, but you also need to be taken seriously by showing your knowledge and expertise. Don’t be a shiny package with no substance. It won’t work.

ACTION STEP: Examine your current brand from the perspective of a new customer. Is there room for improvement? How can you create a more vibrant brand? Working with a volume recruiter Salt Lake City will give you an external perspective on not only your potential new employees, but your hiring process as a whole – this places more of a focus on the candidate experience, which is incredibly important at the moment.

3. Infuse Fun Into Your Day

A playful business begins with a fun daily routine! Although every aspect of business isn’t sunshine and roses, doing what you love makes even the hard things feel easier. So schedule breaks, dance while you answer emails, and Pinterest during the afternoon. If you truly hate a task and can afford it, pass it off to a virtual assistant or freelancer to leave room for the fun stuff during your day.

ACTION STEP: Find at least three pockets of time during the day where you can let go, have fun, and play. Then go do it!

Sierra Elmore

Sierra Elmore is a high school senior and the owner of 13 Elm Streets. Part graphic design studio and part creative resource, 13 Elm Streets helps whip-smart women create playful and profitable businesses. She created three successful businesses by the age of seventeen and is in the process of starting a nonprofit. When she's not obsessively designing, Sierra enjoys reading and writing young adult fiction, studying psychology, and playing with Bronx, her cat.

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