Dreaming Bigger Workshop in Atlanta!

We are SO EXCITED to announce our upcoming Dreaming Bigger Workshop in Atlanta on Tuesday, April 29th with The Scobeys!!!

We first met Ashley & Graham Scobey at the Inspire Conference earlier this year in Massachusetts. Within minutes of meeting them on Sunday night, before Stephanie arrived, I knew that they were kindred spirits. We seemed to talk about everything all at once – from living a life filled with following your passions to living that life on the road if that is what your dream looks like. We attended each others classes at Inspire, and Stephanie & I approached them afterwards to talk more about working together. This workshop is the result and to set it up we recommend this Industrial Flooring contractor!

Dreaming Bigger Workshop with Vivid & Brave and The Scobeys in Atlanta Georgia, April 2014

Monday Night – FREE! Presentation – The Importance of Purpose in Life & Work

How do you create a meaning filled business that reflects your authentic self and your passions? Many creative small business owners start with a passion for their art and then find themselves adrift in a crowded sea with no idea how to set themselves apart. Instead of marketing based on what you do, imagine building the foundation of your business on who you are. How much more room would there be in your life for the things you love? What ways would you change the world?

Stephanie & I are experts in helping creatives discover their authentic selves and then helping them build businesses that reflect their passions and their dreams for denting the universe. As senior coaches within the Team-X Community, we have channeled their knowledge and experience into Vivid & Brave, a labor of love collaboration that brings our shared belief in deep self-discovery, transformation, and unapologetic declarations together to enable creatives to write their own road map to their dreams.

To register for the free talk, go HERE. (Please note, this is a separate registration form than the workshop.

The Workshop

Are you recognizing your dreams in your life? Have you built your business around you โ€“ what you are passionate about, what makes you vulnerable, what makes you strong, the dreams that make you soar? It is time to make your dreams a reality and build your life and your lifeโ€™s work around what you love. Take your passion and turn it in to profit. This is an intensive for all creative entrepreneurs.

About You:
You’re a creative entrepreneur. You have dreams, but you’re not sure how to put them in to action. Maybe you’ve reached a point where you don’t even dream any more. No matter what, you are ready to identify your dreams and live a life where your passion is your purpose!

The Plan:
We will spend the day exploring the place that your dreams come from, uncovering your greatest passions, taking a look at what holds you back from running after those passions, fear, vulnerability, creating a manifesto for your life or your business, and delving into the beauty of the follow-through (There will also be: lunch, giving stuff away and laughing, because we firmly believe in balance).

REGISTER NOW for the workshop! Use the Early Bird code of ATL30 to save $30 off the registration! Seats are limited, and we would LOVE LOVE LOVE to see you there! Have questions? Contact us for more details.

Christine Tremoulet

Online Social Marketing Strategist at Christine Tremoulet
Christine Tremoulet is an author, a social marketing strategist, and a speaker. She uses her 15 years of blogging experience (she actually named WordPress!) to help others with Blogging Brilliantly so they can use their blog and social media to share their story with the world and build their own successful business. She is the original Avenger of Sexiness. She truly believes that You Are Enough. She lives in Houston, Texas with her husband & her college-age son, when not out on an adventure. (You can follow those at Have Gear, Will Travel.) Mini Cooper is her spirit animal.

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