Work With Me

One on One Coaching – Limited space available

Are you ready to get out of your own way?

This is not your mama’s business coaching. You had a great idea, you launched an amazing business, you’re working your passion every day. But something isn’t quite right. You find yourself unsure, second guessing your choices, or stumbling over your words when someone asks the dreaded question “So, what do you do?” You’re making excuses, dreading client meetings, and you haven’t touched your blog in months. The idea of telling the world all about you leaves with clammy palms and a rising sense of doom.

Social Media Infusion – the Book – Now available!

Have you figured out how to navigate the social media maze?

You’ve got your social media accounts set up, and now they’re collecting dust. There are just too many to focus on that you don’t even know where to start. Your social media strategy isn’t a strategy so much as wishful thinking. You’re not sure when you post, or how often, of what to post when you do. They made changes to the graphic sizes three months ago and you haven’t gotten around to updating your images. You’re so busy running your business you don’t even know where to start to get social media working for you.

Workshops – New dates coming soon!

What will you miss out on if you don’t show up to your life?

You are ready for a crash course in vulnerability, self discovery, and declaration of your purpose. You aren’t sure how to tell the world about you, but you know it’s time. You want to meet other women who are ready to take the world by storm, to embrace the unstoppable force that lies within them, and turn it into something tangible. You want to celebrate yourself and define success by your own terms.